How LA County Began to Face Its Big Problem With Youth Being Sex-Trafficked | Youth Today

Seven years ago, she had no idea Los Angeles County had a child sex trafficking problem. Now Guymon is director of the Child Trafficking Unit for the Los Angeles County Probation Department and is part of the group that aims to make LA’s efforts to combat child sex trafficking a model for the nation. Her […]

The RAND Approach to Child Welfare: Cutting Cost, Improving Outcomes

  RAND Corporation issued a report describing how federal child welfare policy could be changed to improve outcomes for children and youth while saving $12.3 billion. To reach its conclusions, the Santa Monica, Calif.-based nonprofit research firm developed a model that points to the value of increased spending on child maltreatment prevention while also expanding […]

Foster kids spend the day shadowing California members of Congress – LA Times

On Wednesday, May 24th, 2017, Rep. Karen Bass (D-Los Angeles) spoke about Jimenez and the more than 100 other young people participating in the Congressional Foster Youth Shadow Program in a speech on the House floor.

Leonardo Jimenez, 21, of Los Angeles said after a lifetime in foster care, he never expected to have his congresswoman speak his name on the House floor, or to become a part of the historical record of the United States. “We have someone that is advocating for us that hasn’t been in our shoes, but is willing to […]